Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the great saint was born in 1824 in the village Tankara in Gujarat. He was a great reformer and path maker of modern India. He founded the Arya Samaj His ideals of social reform were accepted widely all over the country. His call to go back to the Vedas for reconstruction of the country were the basis of DAV Movement in the country.

Mahatma Hansraj established the D.A.V. College Trust and Management Society on 31st January 1886 after the death of Swami Dayanand. It is now the oldest and biggest non-governmental educational organization in India. It covers broadly the entire spectrum of educational activity in the country. The society has developed a chain of institutions from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Manipur to Rajasthan with a view to meet the demand for enlightening and progressive education based on the requirements of contemporary times with emphasis on values
of life. It includes over 900 public and aided schools, colleges the faculties of Arts, Science and Commerce,Education , Law, Technology, Ayurveda, Medicine, Pharmacy & Management, It has completed one hundred and twenty two years of its academic services. Apart from providing the traditional value education, it has also contributed to the society through the establishment of Hospitals, Libraries and Research Centres.
The D.A.V MOVEMENT began with the formation of Dayanand Anglo Vedic College Trust & Management Society in 1885 by Mahatma Hansraj. Lala Lajpat Rai was its first President. Since then Dr. Mehar Chand Mahajan, Justice Jeevan Lal Kapoor , Shri Suraj Bhan (EX – Vice Chancellor, Punjab University), Shri Veda Vyas (Senior Advocate Supreme Court) ans Sh. Darbari Lal have been its illustrious Presidents. This is the largest Non-Government Educational Organization in the country, managing over 650 educational institutions. D.A.V institutions have rendered a unique service not only in dispelling ignorance and illiteracy but also in producing patriots, freedom-fighters, social reformers, intellectuals, thinkers, legal luminaries, doctors and engineers of unparalleled merit, integrity and caliber.
D.A.V organization believe in instilling values like ‘Raise yourself high and world alike’.
Message from Shri Poonam Suri ji
Shri Poonam Suri ji
President D.A.V. College Managing Committee
Chairman of the School
Over the years the school has grown into a renowned institution strengthening Vedic virtues and providing quality education. It has been fostering in its students a spirit of excellence by imparting knowledge through technology and innovative methodologies.
By adopting multidimensional approach and working with the conviction of power of goodness, DAV Public School, Ballabhgarh has been striving for excellence in almost all the fields, be it academics , sports or co-curricular activities under the able guidance of its principal. The consistent efforts of the staff and students have brought laurels not only to the individual but also to the school making it an effective organization.The success of an institution greatly influenced by the vision of the team that governs it. I am sure the commitment and dedication of the school team will enhance its performance year after year.
I pray for a successful and a brilliant future of the school.
Message from Shri Ajay Suri ji

Shri Ajay Suri Ji
General Secretary, D.A.V. College Managing Committee
Vice Chairman of the School
Born in a reputed Arya Samajists family,Mr. Ajay Suri passed B.A. from Hansraj College, Delhi the year 1962 and qualified as Chartered Accountant in July, 1966. Sh. Ajay Suri is working President of Arya Samaj (Anarkali), Mandir Marg, New Delhi and former member of Finance & Provident Fund Committee of some colleges of Delhi, Advisory Committee of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital, Hari Nagar, New Delhi, Sales Tax Advisory Committee, Government of NCT, Delhi. He is actively involved in Social and Welfare activities.
Message from Shri V.K.Chopra ji

Shri V.K.Chopra ji
Director (PS-III)
D.A.V. College Managing Committee