The School is Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

Smart Class  


Smart Class Rooms have brought  a complete transformation in classrooms. The Science teacher while explaining how a DNA replicates is able to show the class a 3D animation of the DNA replication process on a large screen. She can explain the fine points of the process, zoom in to show the relevant visuals, freeze and annotate when and where she needs to emphasize. Similarly the History teacher shows the class a virtual walk through of the Harappa Civilization. Uncovering the relevant parts step by step as a part of her lesson plan , while the Geography teacher shows a virtual Block mountain being formed…all with engaging animations, colors, music, sounds and voice. The teachers gain complete attention and interest of every child class. Every child gets a visual input on how it happens and the concepts are well understood and internalized.



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Opposite Milk Plant, Ballabhgarh
Haryana, India
Ph.No- 0129-2241755, 2249642


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